Myofascial Release

Tips for Myofascial Release Treatment

  • Find a qualified practitioner who is experienced in myofascial release.

  • Be patient. It may take several sessions to see significant results.

  • Listen to your body. If something hurts, let me know.

  • Be consistent with your treatment especially at-home myofascial release exercises.

Getting Ready for Your First Myofascial Release Appointment

Fascia is a web of connective tissue that surrounds every organ, muscle, and fiber in our bodies. Fascia, the often overlooked connective tissue, plays a crucial role in our bodies. It forms a protective covering even within muscle fibers. When restrictions occur in the fascia due to factors like trauma, inflammation, poor posture, or surgery, it can lead to both localized and widespread pain, whether acute or chronic.

Myofascial release is a hands-on therapy that helps to release restrictions in the fascia. This can lead to a number of benefits, including reduced pain, increased range of motion, and improved circulation. The Myofascial release approach to physical therapy considers the entire person, enabling identification of the root cause and empowering individuals to take an active role in their healing process.

I've been using myofascial release techniques for many years to help my patients with a variety of conditions, including:

  • Chronic pain: Myofascial release can help to break up the knots of tension that can cause chronic pain.

  • Postural problems: Myofascial release can help to improve posture by releasing restrictions in the fascia that are causing the body to compensate.

  • Whiplash and neck injuries from bending backwards to have your hair washed: Myofascial release can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion after a whiplash injury or shampoo injuries from bending your neck backwards.

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Myofascial release can help to reduce pain and improve function in the hands and wrists.

  • Fibromyalgia: Myofascial release can help to reduce pain and improve sleep in people with fibromyalgia.

I've seen firsthand how myofascial release can help people to improve their quality of life. If you're struggling with pain or other health problems, I encourage you to talk to your doctor about whether myofascial release might be right for you.

This specialized massage technique treats not just the symptoms but the misaligned body by releasing tightness in injured fascia. By doing so, it provides relief from pain, enhances range of motion, boosts the immune system, and aids in healing non-physical trauma.

How Myofascial Release Works

Fascia's primary function is to maintain the position of organs and muscles, as well as facilitate communication between cells. However, when it becomes restricted, it can lead to pain, dysfunction, and seemingly unrelated issues throughout the body. Myofascial release involves applying sustained pressure on fascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Skilled therapists use their anatomical knowledge and intuition to provide longer-lasting results compared to traditional massage techniques.

Personalized Care and Frequency

The frequency of myofascial release depends on individual needs and responses. Patients can also practice self-release using tools like foam rollers and tennis balls. Combining breath and gentle movement can enhance the results. Regular treatment is usually recommended for painful conditions, while monthly maintenance sessions are suitable for resolved cases.

For those seeking specialized myofascial release therapy, the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach® is a highly effective and gentle hands-on technique. It addresses a variety of soft tissue problems caused by trauma, inflammation, or surgery. By applying sustained pressure to fascial restrictions, this approach can significantly reduce pain, increase range of motion, improve the immune response, and aid in healing both physical and emotional trauma.

Remember, when it comes to pain and healing, considering the entire body and the role of fascia can make all the difference. Myofascial release offers a path to comprehensive care, equipping individuals with the knowledge and resources to live a pain-free life.

Schedule Your Consultation

Schedule a 20-minute phone call with me, and we can determine if I am the right practitioner for you. I schedule new patient consultations between Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. My Baltimore office is conveniently located near Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville and Roland Park.

Ready to get started?

Where’s Your Pain?