Bunion Pain Treatment in Baltimore, Maryland

When dealing with bone-related issues, surgery is often considered the eventual solution by surgeons, leading many to believe that bunions always require surgery as well. However, bunions are not solely caused by problems with the bone; they involve the participation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As a physical therapist, I aim to address various concerns related to bunions, from preventing the need for surgery to reducing discomfort and restoring a more natural appearance of the foot.

My bunion patients have benefited from a conservative and comprehensive treatment approach instead of directly pursuing surgery. As part of this approach, I work on developing custom toe spacers specifically designed to treat the misalignment caused by bunions and prevent their progression. By implementing targeted movements, including stretches, toe exercises, and toe separators, we can halt the cascade of symptoms and the growth of the bunion.

If left untreated, bunions can worsen and potentially lead to arthritic conditions. Preventing further progression of the bunion requires addressing the underlying causes and diligently treating the muscles in the foot and lower leg. Wearing toe spacers alone is not enough; a comprehensive approach that targets the potential causes is essential. With skilled physical therapy, we can halt the progression of the bunion, improve the appearance of your toes, and help you regain functionality and confidence.

Additionally, myofascial treatments like dry needling can provide relief at the source of the pain. While surgery is a standard treatment for bunions, I believe in providing patients with conservative and effective options.

In my practice, I am actively working on developing toe spacers designed specifically to treat the misalignment caused by bunions and prevent their progression. By focusing on comprehensive and targeted treatments, I offer patients a different path forward to help them avoid surgery and regain functionality, confidence, and comfort.

bunion pain treatment

"Through a unique, comprehensive treatment plan, patients can find relief for the pain and disfigurement of bunions."

— Dr. Rob Satriano, Physiotherapist

Schedule Your Consultation

Schedule a 20-minute phone call with me, and we can determine if I am the right practitioner for you. I schedule new patient consultations between Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. My Baltimore office is conveniently located near Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville and Roland Park.

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Where’s Your Pain?